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We install your underfloor heating in Vence and its surroundings!

Are you building a new house and want to benefit from underfloor heating?

Is the heating system in your home no longer suitable for you? Are your radiators too bulky, not aesthetic enough?

You can opt for a heated floor installation in one or more rooms of your house. Our team travels to the Maritime Alps to install an innovative underfloor heating system that will meet your expectations.

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What is a heated floor?

The underfloor heating is a central heating system located at the surface of the ground. Its particularity is that it is a very low temperature heating system. The surface temperature should not exceed 28 ° C.

The advantages of underfloor heating?

Are you unsure of which heating system to use in your living room? Opt for the well-being provided by the heated floor! The heated floor is a very advantageous central heating system in many ways.


The heated floor diffuses a gentle and uniform heat using its heating slab. Unlike radiators which diffuse a high stagnant temperature, underfloor heating makes it possible to heat a room without overheating it. The thermal comfort provided by the heated floor is superior to other types of heating because the temperature is distributed evenly on the floor.

Space saving

With the heated floor, there is no need for radiators! Each square meter of your heated rooms is therefore available for the layout you want. You can place your furniture without worrying about obstructing the heat diffusion.

The heated floor allows you to save about 7% of living space.


This underfloor heating system allows you significant energy savings due to an emission efficiency close to 1. The underfloor heating system can operate at low temperature in addition to consuming less energy than radiators. Choosing this underfloor heating system guarantees a more economical and comfortable heating system.

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