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Free quote for installing a
heat pump within 48 hours

Save energy by installing a heat pump

By appointment we come to your home in the Alpes-Maritimes to establish a thermal balance of your home, especially if you are embarking on a renovation project. Ultimately, the purpose of this diagnosis is to analyze the weaknesses and energy losses in your home. We can install the best heating system, but if your house is poorly insulated, especially in the attic, if the joinery is synonymous with significant thermal bridges, then the heating installation will be inefficient.

In line with thermal regulations (RT2020), we recommend the use of renewable energies. The most advanced heating method to date remains the installation of a heat pump.

The keys to your successful heating project!


Intervention of your heating engineers within a radius of 20 km around Vence


Air, an infinitely renewable energy

Why not enjoy fresh air in the summer and warm air after the winter season arrives?

Tap into free, natural & renewable energy to heat yourself and to produce domestic hot water, this is possible thanks to the installation of a heat pump. Indeed, the heat pump works on the principle of aerothermal energy, that is to say that it captures in the ambient air the necessary calories to restore them once heated in your home.

Thanks to a heat pump, reduce your energy bills by 3! But beware, the power to the heat pump comes 70% from the air but needs about 30% electricity.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The advantages of installing an Air / Air heat pump

As its name suggests, the Air / Air heat pump is powered by air. Concretely for you, this requires the installation of 2 units. One, located outside, collects the calories from the air and the other, inside, diffuses it within your house thanks to a fan coil. The latter receives thermal energy thanks to refrigerants which provide heating in your living rooms. If you have a swimming pool, the heat pump is ideal for heating it!

The plus of this system? The fan coil can also be used to air conditioning, to cool the air during summer periods. The heat pump then becomes reversible air conditioning.

The price of an Air / Air heat pump varies on average between € 6,000 - € 10,000 depending on the options and the supplier chosen. Note that the return on investment is less than 10 years.

Advantages of installing an Air / Water heat pump?

The Air / Water heat pump is powered, like the previous one, by capturing calories from the air: the principle of aerothermal energy. However, it uses water - liquid state - to transport heat to low temperature emitters (radiators, heated floors) and to provide you with hot water (DHW) at all times in your bathroom.

Did you know ? The cost for an Air / Water heat pump installation is between 6,000 and 14,000 €. This investment is certainly important but gives entitlement to the energy tax credit premium.

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One-piece or two-piece air / water heat pump the differences

1 / The monobloc air / water heat pump made up of a single unit which, placed outside, supplies the heating circuit network.

2 / The split air / water heat pump is the system most requested by our customers. It is made up of 2 modules, one exterior and the other interior. Thermal energy is transmitted by refrigerants.

Need more information on heat pumps?

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